Test the Experience

Ensuring everything works as expected 🧪

Before you begin testing the implementation, ensure the below are set up and complete:

  • Product Feed indexed

  • Virtual Shopping Tag implemented

  • Shopper Events implemented

  • Settings configured

To test the implementation you can easily load our Inspector Tool. This will highlight any issues you may have and support troubleshooting. To learn more about Inspector Tool, please see further information here.

To test the full experience, follow our testing guide here. First, here are some key guiding principles to follow:

Creating users

Dashboard users

  • Users can use the same email address for a Dashboard, and product expert account for the Store app.

  • Users cannot create two Dashboard accounts or have two Experts with the same email address.

  • New Dashboard accounts can only be created by the Virtual Shopping team. These users will be notified once their accounts have been created for them to set their password and log in.

  • If you have multiple regions across the globe, Klarna has 2 different logins for data privacy reasons. Please follow:

  • Dashboard users can set a new password using the code sent to their email. It is important for Dashboard users, to use a real and accessible email address as this is the only way the Dashboard users will be able to change their password in the future.

Store App users

  • Expert accounts are created directly within the store app

  • Experts will require an invite code which is included with your welcome pack. Please get in touch with us if you are unable to locate it.

  • Once an expert has entered their invite code, they will be able to create their account using an email address and password.

  • Experts will then need to be approved in Dashboard by a team member with Manage Team permissions

Please note if you plan to create an account for staging, do not use the email address you plan to use for the live instance as we can only support 1 email address across Staging & Production.

Last updated

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