How chats are routed
How Routing works
Any conversation started by a shopper needs to be routed to available experts. The routing algorithm aims to connect shoppers with available experts as quickly as possible.
👥 Claim Groups
Chats are routed to a group of experts who are able to claim them. The number of experts in a Claim Group can vary depending on the individual claim scores of each expert.
💯 Claim Scores
Each expert has a claim score, which takes into account a combination of the number of chats they have claimed and how fast they claim them. A higher score corresponds with more chats and a faster claim time. Experts cannot see their Claim Score.
➡️ How Claim Groups are formed.
Each Claim Group has a total target score, representing the sum of Claim Scores for all experts within the group. Once the target score has been reached, no more experts will be added to that group.
This is why the number of experts in a claim group may differ. If there are mostly experts with lower Claim Scores available, more will be added to the group to reach the total target score.
This also means that experts with lower claim scores won’t be excluded by the algorithm from being part of Claim Groups – simply that more experts will be needed to reach the target score for said group.
➡️ When chats are routed.
Chats are routed to Claim Groups at 0 seconds, and then again at 15, 30, 45, and 60 seconds after the shopper makes the request in case no experts claim the chat.
After 90 seconds, experts will no longer be able to claim the chat, and the shopper will be able to Leave a Message.
Language-based Routing
If this routing option is configured, the On-site Chat plugin will automatically detect the shopper’s browser language and prioritize experts who speak this language in the routing.
💭 How it’s used.
Shoppers are more likely to connect with available experts who speak the same language as them without the need to be transferred.
⚙️ How it works.
This version of routing is optional. If the shopper’s browser language is not available for On-site Chat, the plugin will either not display or Standard Routing will be used, depending on how the merchant has configured the language settings.
The order of prioritization for experts being chosen for Claim Groups for Preferred Store Routing goes:
Experts who have previously chatted with this particular shopper.
Experts who speak the same language as detected from the shopper’s browser.
Experts who are geographically closest to the shopper (as determined by the experts’ assigned stores and the shopper’s estimated location).
🔧 Configuration
This version of routing is optional. If not selected, Standard Routing will be used instead.
Preferred Store Routing
Before starting a chat, shoppers are asked to enter their postal code. This is used to identify their three nearest stores. They select which one of these they would like to speak to, and available experts from this store are prioritized for forming the Claim Groups.
💭 How it’s used.
Shoppers can request a chat with experts in a store close to their current location. This is particularly useful in case they would like to visit the store after their chat.
⚙️ How it works.
If a shopper chooses not to enter their postal code or select a preferred store, Standard Routing is used instead.
The order of prioritization for experts being chosen for Claim Groups for Preferred Store Routing goes:
Experts in the selected store who have previously chatted with the shopper.
Experts in the selected store who have not chatted with the shopper.
Experts outside the selected store who are geographically closest to the shopper (as determined by the experts’ assigned stores and the shopper’s estimated location).
🔧 Configuration
This version of routing is optional. If not selected, Standard Routing will be used instead.
Standard Routing
The default version of routing. Incoming chat requests are routed to available experts who have previously spoken with that shopper and/or are geographically close to them.
The expert’s location is determined by their assigned store, and the shopper’s location is established from their IP address. There are limitations on how accurate the shopper’s location may be, i.e. depending on their device and the size of the radius of where they may be located.
💭 How it’s used.
Experts who have already assisted a shopper (and may be familiar with the kinds of things they’ll ask) or are geographically closer to them are able to connect with them, helping build relationships and loyalty, e.g. due to the ability to invite in-store and build a relationship.
Shoppers who have previously chatted with an in-store expert are more likely to connect with someone they’ve had past experience with or are in a store close to them depending on availability.
⚙️ How it works.
The order of prioritization for experts being chosen for Claim Groups goes:
Experts who have previously chatted with this particular shopper.
Experts who are geographically closest to the shopper (as determined by the experts’ assigned stores and the shopper’s estimated location).
Last updated