When On-site Chat displays
Refers to whether or not experts are currently available for accepting chats from shoppers.
💭 How it’s used.
Merchants define when On-site Chat is displayed on their website in relation to their experts’ availability.
🔧 Configuration
There are three different options you can choose for displaying On-site Chat depending on whether or not your experts are available. For each of these, you can customize the message the shopper is automatically sent and the text of the Launcher Bubble depending on whether or not experts are available.
24/7, in which On-site Chat is displayed 24/7, regardless of whether or not experts are available. If a shopper requests a chat when there are no available experts, they’ll be able to leave their details and be notified once an expert has claimed their chat.
Operating hours, in which On-site Chat is only displayed during a merchant’s operating hours, regardless of whether or not experts are available. This runs from the earliest opening time of any of the merchant’s stores through to the latest closing time. If a shopper requests a chat when there are no available experts, they’ll be able to leave their details and be notified once an expert has claimed their chat.
Available only, in which On-site Chat is only displayed when an expert is available to chat now. Availability is checked when the page is loaded, so it’s possible between the page first loading and the shopper starting a chat, experts will no longer be available.
Allows merchants to configure On-site Chat to be displayed or hidden based on the shopper’s location as determined by their IP address.
💭 How it’s used.
Merchants only allow shoppers in specified countries (i.e. those they ship to) to request a chat.
⚙️ How it works.
Geo-restriction has been designed to restrict where On-site Chat displays on a country level. That means for more granular regions, it may not be as reliable, e.g. for specific postal codes.
Merchants can choose to display On-site Chat in different languages based on the shopper’s browser.
💭 How it’s used.
Merchants can give non-English-speaking shoppers a seamless experience in their language if available.
⚙️ How it works.
If the shopper’s browser language matches one of the languages configured by the merchant, On-site Chat will be displayed in this language.
If the shopper’s browser language isn’t one of the languages a merchant has configured for On-site Chat, a default language will be displayed or the On-site Chat plugin will be hidden depending on how it’s configured.
🔧 Configuration
Merchants choose which languages On-site Chat can be displayed in on the Virtual Shopping Dashboard.
The merchant can configure English as the default language, in which case On-site Chat will be displayed in English if the browser language does not match another configured language. If the default language has not been set, On-site Chat will not be displayed to the shopper.
Lead Queues
If a shopper’s request to chat is not claimed by an expert, e.g. if no experts are available to respond, they’ll have the option to leave their details. They will then be notified when an expert has claimed their chat. When a shopper does this, they enter the Lead Queue.
💭 How it’s used.
Merchants can configure the Lead Queue so that shoppers who request help when experts are available still get a response later while also ensuring that the capacity of the Lead Queue matches the capacity of experts.
Shoppers can still get a response at a later time if no experts are currently available.
⚙️ How it works.
When a Lead Queue reaches its maximum capacity, On-site Chat will not appear on the merchant's website until there is capacity again.
🔧 Configuration
Merchants can set the maximum capacity of their Lead Queues and configure it on a department-by-department basis.
Last updated